Sofascore Purgatory Bundle

Custom Expression Language Functions

You can add custom functions to the Expression Language for use with the if parameter.

#[Route('/post/{id<\d+>}', name: 'post_details', methods: 'GET')]
#[PurgeOn(Post::class, if: 'should_purge(obj)')]
public function detailsAction(Post $post)

To enable this functionality, make sure your service is tagged correctly in the service configuration:

# services.yaml
        - { name: 'purgatory.expression_language_function', function: should_purge }

Alternatively, you can use the #[AsExpressionLanguageFunction] attribute directly in the service class:

use Sofascore\PurgatoryBundle\Attribute\AsExpressionLanguageFunction;

class ShouldPurge
    public function __invoke(Post $post)
        // Define your custom logic here